本章节将介绍 Datalayers 配置文件信息。
Datalayers 配置文件为 datalayers.toml
安装方式 | 配置文件所在位置 |
DEB 或 RPM 包安装 | /etc/datalayers/datalayers.toml |
Docker 容器 | /etc/datalayers/datalayers.toml |
解压缩包安装 | ./etc/datalayers.toml |
主配置文件包含了大部分常用的配置项,如果您没有在配置文件中明确指定某个配置项,Datalayers 将使用默认配置。
# Datalayers' configurations.
# The configurations of Datalayers server.
# In which mode to start the Datalayers server.
# - true: standalone mode.
# - false: cluster mode.
# Default: false.
standalone = false
# The Arrow FlightSql endpoint of the server.
# Users are expected to connect to this endpoint for communicating with the server through the Arrow FlightSql protocol.
# Default: "".
addr = ""
# The HTTP endpoint of the server.
# Default: "".
http = ""
# The Redis Service endpoint of the server.
# Users can start this service only when Datalayers server starts in cluster mode.
# Default: "".
# redis = ""
# A session is regarded timeout if it's not active in the past `session_timeout` duration.
# Default: "10s".
session_timeout = "10s"
# The timezone the server lives in.
# Default is Asia/Shanghai, if timezone not exist in configuration, we will use the machine local time.
timezone = "Asia/Shanghai"
# The configurations of tls certificates.
# The key file for services with tls, both for https and flightsql
#key = "/etc/datalayers/certs/server.key"
# The cert file for services with tls, both for https and flightsql
#cert = "/etc/datalayers/certs/server.crt"
# The configurations of authorization.
# The username.
# Default: "admin".
username = "admin"
# The password.
# Default: "public".
password = "public"
# The provided token.
# Default: "c720790361da729344983bfc44238f24".
token = "c720790361da729344983bfc44238f24"
# The provided JSON Web Token.
# Default: "871b3c2d706d875e9c6389fb2457d957".
jwt_secret = "871b3c2d706d875e9c6389fb2457d957"
# The configurations of the Time-Series engine.
# The size of the request channel for each worker.
# Default: 128.
worker_channel_size = 128
# The max size of memory that memtable will used.
# Server will reject to write after the memory used overflow this limitation
# Default: 80% of system memory.
#max_memory_used_size = "10GB"
# Cache size for SST file metadata. Setting it to 0 to disable the cache.
# Default: 128M
meta_cache_size = "128M"
# Whether or not to flush memtable before the system or worker exits
# Default: true.
flush_on_exit = true
# When using schemaless to write data, is automatic table modification allowed.
# Default: false.
auto_alter_table = true
# The configurations of the Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) component.
# The type of the WAL.
# Currently, only the local WAL is supported.
# Default: "local".
type = "local"
# Whether or not to disable writing to WAL and replaying from WAL.
# It's required to set to false in production environment if strong consistency is necessary.
# Default: false.
disable = false
# Whether or not to skip WAL replay upon restart.
# It's meant to be used for development only.
# Default: false.
skip_replay = false
# The path to store WAL files.
# Default: "/var/lib/datalayers/wal".
path = "/var/lib/datalayers/wal"
# The fixed time period to flush cached WAL files to persistent storage.
# Triggers flush immediately if the `flush_interval` is 0.
# Default: "0s".
# ** It's only used when the type is `local` **.
flush_interval = "0s"
# The maximum size of a WAL file.
# Default: "32MB".
# ** It's only used when the type is `local` **.
max_file_size = "64MB"
# The configurations of storage.
# The configurations of the file meta memory cache.
# 0 means disable mem file meta cache
# Default: "512MB"
capacity = "512MB"
# The shard number of mem cache
# More shards will help distribute the load and improve performance by reducing contention.
# But too many shards might lead to increased overhead due to managing more individual cache segments.
# Default: 16
# shards = 16
# !!! Disk cache configuration not working on standalone mode
# The configurations of the file meta disk cache.
# Disk cache capicity
# 0 means disable disk cache
# Default: "0GB"
# capacity = "1GB"
# The directory where the disk cache will be stored
# Default: "/var/lib/datalayers/meta_cache"
# path = "/var/lib/datalayers/meta_cache"
# Disk cache block size
# Default: "64MB"
# block_size = "64MB"
# The shard number of disk cache
# More shards will help distribute the load and improve performance by reducing contention.
# But too many shards might lead to increased overhead due to managing more individual cache segments.
# Default: 16
# shards = 16
# Cache reclaimer count
# Helps manage the cache's efficiency by reclaiming space
# from unused or less frequently accessed files.
# But high number of threads might increase CPU usage and
# potentially degrade overall system performance
# if not balanced with other system resources and requirements.
# Default: 8
# reclaimers = 8
# recover concurrency
# Default: 4
# recover_concurrency = 4
# Buffer threshold
# Default: "128MB"
# buffer_threshold = "128MB"
# The configurations of the file data memory cache.
# 0 means disable mem cache
# Default: "0MB"
# capacity = "512MB"
# The shard number of mem cache
# More shards will help distribute the load and improve performance by reducing contention.
# But too many shards might lead to increased overhead due to managing more individual cache segments.
# Default: 16
# shards = 16
# The configurations of the file data disk cache.
# !!! Disk cache configuration not working on standalone mode
# Disk cache capicity
# 0 means disable disk cache
# Default: "10GB"
capacity = "10GB"
# The directory where the disk cache will be stored
# Default: "/var/lib/datalayers/file_cache"
# path = "/var/lib/datalayers/file_cache"
# Disk cache block size
# Default: "64MB"
# block_size = "64MB"
# Buffer threshold
# Default: "128MB"
# buffer_threshold = "128MB"
# The compression algorithm of disk cache, optional configuration
# The compression will reduce the size of the data stored on disk, potentially improving performance and
# reducing storage requirements. But it will also introduce additional computational
# overhead during both compression and decompression processes.
# only "Zstd", "Lz4", "None"
# Default: "None"
# compression = "None"
# The shard number of disk cache
# More shards will help distribute the load and improve performance by reducing contention.
# But too many shards might lead to increased overhead due to managing more individual cache segments.
# Default: 16
# shards = 16
# Cache reclaimer count
# Helps manage the cache's efficiency by reclaiming space
# from unused or less frequently accessed files.
# But high number of threads might increase CPU usage and
# potentially degrade overall system performance
# if not balanced with other system resources and requirements.
# Default: 8
# reclaimers = 8
# recover concurrency
# if too long the recovery cost, please increase this value to speed up the recovery process
# Default: 4
# recover_concurrency = 4
# The configurations of the local storage.
# The path to store files in the local storage.
# Default: "/var/lib/datalayers/storage".
path = "/var/lib/datalayers/storage"
# The configurations of the FoundationDB-backed storage.
# The cluster file of FoundationDB. Foundation clients and servers use the cluster file to connect to a cluster.
# Default: "/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster" on Linux system.
cluster_file = "/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster"
# The namespace with which to isolate key-values of Datalayers'.
# Default: "DL".
namespace = "DL"
# The speed limitation per second of the FoundationDB-backed storage.
# Default: "5MB".
max_flush_speed = "5MB"
# The configurations of the S3 object store.
# [storage.object_store.s3]
# bucket = "datalayers"
# access_key = "CPjH8R6WYrb9KB6riEZo"
# secret_key = "TsTal5DGJXNoebYevijfEP2DkgWs96IKVm0uores"
# endpoint = ""
# region = "datalayers"
# [storage.azure]
# container = "datalayers" # your can change it as you want
# account_name = "PLEASE CHANGE ME"
# account_key = "PLEASE CHANGE ME"
# endpoint = "PLEASE CHANGE ME"
# [storage.gcs]
# bucket = "datalayers" # your can change it as you want
# scope = "PLEASE CHANGE ME"
# credential_path = "PLEASE CHANGE ME"
# endpoint = "PLEASE CHANGE ME"
# The name of the node. It's the unique identifier of the node in the cluster and cannot be repeated.
# Default: "localhost:8366".
name = "localhost:8366"
# Role of the node.
# Default: "stateless"
role = "stateless"
# The timeout of connecting to the cluster.
# Default: "1s".
connect_timeout = "1s"
# The timeout applied each request sent to the cluster.
# Default: "120s".
timeout = "120s"
# The maximum number of retries for internal connection.
# Default: 1.
retry_count = 1
# The directory to store data of the node.
# Default: "/var/run/datalayers".
data_path = "/var/run/datalayers"
# The maximum number of active connections at a time between each RPC endpoints.
# Default: 20.
rpc_max_conn = 20
# The minimum number of active connections at a time between each RPC endpoints.
# Default: 3.
rpc_min_conn = 3
# The configurations of the scheduler.
# The configurations of the flush job.
# The maximum number of running flush jobs at the same time.
concurrence_limit = 3
# The maximum number of pending flush jobs at the same time
queue_limit = 10000
# The maximum number of running gc jobs at the same time.
concurrence_limit = 1
# The maximum number of pending gc jobs at the same time
queue_limit = 10000
# The maximum number of running `cluster compact inactive` jobs at the same time.
concurrence_limit = 1
# The configurations of logging.
# The directory to store log files.
# Default: "/var/log/datalayers".
path = "/var/log/datalayers/"
# The verbose level of logging.
# Supported levels (the case is not sensitive):
# - trace.
# - debug.
# - info.
# - warn.
# - error.
# Default: "info".
level = "info"
# The fixed time period for switching to a new log file.
# Supported rotation kinds:
# - "MINUTELY" or "M".
# - "HOURLY" or "H".
# - "DAILY" or "D".
# - "NEVER" or "N".
# Default: "HOURLY".
rotation = "DAILY"
# Enables logging to stdout if set to true.
# Default: true.
enable_stdout = true
# Enables logging to files if set to true.
# Default: false.
enable_file = false
# Enables logging errors to dedicated files if set to true.
# Default: false.
enable_err_file = false
# Makes the logging more verbose by inserting line number and file name.
# Default: true.
verbose = true
# The configurations of runtime.
# The configurations of default runtime
# Isolate number of CPU, float value
# >=1 means absolute number of CPU
# 0 means do not use isolate cpu for this runtime
# >0 and <1 means percentage of all CPU cores, 0.2 means 20% e.g.
# Default: 0.0
#cpu_cores = 0.0
# The configurations of background runtime
#cpu_cores = 0.0
# The configurations of license.
# A trial license key which may be deprecated.
key = "eyJ2IjoxLCJ0IjoxLCJjbiI6InRlc3QiLCJjZSI6bnVsbCwic2QiOiIyMDI0MDUxNyIsInZkIjozNjUsIm5sIjoxMDAsImNsIjoyNTYsImVsIjoxMDAwLCJmcyI6W119.dLBEUr9WDhuTBllPiZ3lNXOL2YtjuvFVUYQvmc85Ak0jgqHhtoCVz09GHAqdPs8yrzMxnQRiGeK49/Puzvqi6X5X0rYEOx5eiKuifWEkYnXDjtUfdvY79Z4p1SWi5h56hyyyvgrc6lPCWnccqM+JWNWA1a3QHo6V288KBQPFZvOcUY1Kl6F9lHHs5NVx/Wq+92cqg+VJ+ONivxwt3Y35VRelFczARLrpYdngpUQtvXud4nRGuDTj4YkhEZAgpjZXg7WMS8w54zboDOPKcLL5bhUTYa4WSinhSeWLEniISPu0/TihSlXsp/UqamUnb+NHa2sjMTKzAp0CeOZwZA++fQ=="
除了配置文件外,Datalayers 支持通过环境变量设置配置。
# datalayers.toml
username = "admin"
分隔符不能使用于环境变量,因此 Datalayers 选用双下划线 __